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Firefox-Muter by yxl

A firefox addon to mute the browser

Currently the addon works on windows and Linux(Ubuntu, OpenSuse). It could mute firefox on Win7/Vista/XP and so on. Linux systems which use PalseAudio to manage their audio will be supported in the future.

We are two Chinese guys and create this addon just for fun in our spare time. There is not much time for us to test and decorate the addon. To push forward the project, it's in need of your help.

Thanks the following poeple for their excellent translations.

Dutch: markh van
Hebrew: baryoni
Japanese: beiwaiMM (尧七目)
Polish: Leszek(teo)ŻyczkowskiCopy
French: Jim Courbron and Jojaba - BabelZilla
Spanish(Spain): Ricardo A. Rivas (rivica at gmail dot com)
Lithuanian: Algimantas Margevičius
Serbian: ДакСРБИЈА
Swedish: Mikael Hiort af Ornäs
German: erglo (de)
Finnish: Akilles
Catalan: Adrià Laviós
Czech: Sam
Greek: ilias@Greece, Sonickydon
Turkish: nikneyim
Spanish(Argentina): KNTRO - BabelZilla
Italian: salmo69 - BabelZilla
Thai: Warofdefeat


荷兰语: BabelZilla.orgmarkh van
希伯来语: baryoni
日语: 水木社区beiwaiMM (尧七目)
波兰语: Leszek(teo)ŻyczkowskiCopy
法语: Jim CourbronJojaba - BabelZilla
西班牙语: Ricardo A. Rivas (rivica 圈a gmail 点 com)
立陶宛语: Algimantas Margevičius
塞尔维亚语: ДакСРБИЈА
瑞典语: Mikael Hiort af Ornäs
德语: erglo (de)
芬兰语: Akilles
加泰罗尼亚语: Adrià Laviós
捷克语: Sam
希腊语: ilias@Greece, Sonickydon
土耳其语: nikneyim
西班牙语(阿根廷): KNTRO - BabelZilla
意大利语: salmo69 - BabelZilla
泰国语: Warofdefeat

Known issues(已知问题)

If you use the addon on Win7, when attaching your blue tooth headphone to your computer, Firefox may crash. We're trying to solve this problem. To work around this problem, you can attach your headphone before Firefox.


There is a crucial problem with version 0.9.3 that it stops Firefox to restart on WinXP. It is fixed in version 0.9.4.


The anti-virus softwares of AVG and AVAST will block the addon's function mistakenly, as we use "hook" techonology which is also used by some viruses. In order to let the addon work properly, you can add "MuterHook-32.dll" to the white list of your anti-virus software.

一些杀毒软件(AVG和AVAST)会错误地让这个附加组件失效。 因为我们使用了"钩子"技术,这种技术被一些病毒所使用。为了让这个附加组件正常工作,可以把"MuterHook-32.dll"添加到杀毒软件的白名单中。


Firefox-Muter is a standard Firefox addon. Download the addon file muter-1.0.1.xpi and open with Firefox to install it.


Click here for testing. Currently the addon supports Win7 and WinXP. We think it will support Vista as well, but we haven't tested. Really appreciate if you could help.

Thanks for where we get lots of usefull feebacks and suggestions.

Thanks for Royal Lin's help. The addon supports Firefox 3.6 and Firefox 12.0a1 now.

Thanks for Eric's testing with 64bit Firefox on Win7.

Thanks for Fantasy's testing with Firefox on WinXP.

Thank sybil139(络络紫) for testing bluethooth headset on Win7.

Thank David Conners's testing on OpenSusue 11.4 32bit.


MPL 2.0


Yuan Xulei (
Hector Zhao (


Yuan Xulei (,


Refer to README.txt of the source code.

Source Code Download

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You can also clone the project with Git by running:

$ git clone git://
